Social Security Disability Appeals
If you have been turned down for disability or SSI benefits, don’t panic and don’t give up. It is a common fact that properly developed, most Social Security cases are winnable. It is important that you understand the process and get the right help in preparing your claim. Attorney Loevy is experienced in Social Security matters. She has helped hundreds of claimants get the benefits they deserve.
Attorney Loevy can assist you with any and all paperwork required in appealing your claim. We review your records and determine what information is needed to insure that your claim meets Social Security guidelines. Then, we analyze your medical records and ask your doctors the right questions. We can tell if additional medical information is needed and we can schedule appointments with doctors and other health care professionals on your behalf.
Attorney Loevy understands that your situation is dire and that it is demoralizing when you cannot support yourself. She will always provide a listening ear and will return all phone calls most often on the same day. If you are experiencing pain and stress as a result of your disability and these very difficult economic times, you need to call us! Don’t wait until it’s too late – call now for a FREE CONSULTATION. Take action to regain control of your disability and/ or SSI claim.